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新 世 界 第 一 巴 士的英文

"新 世 界 第 一 巴 士"怎么读


  • new world first bus services limited
  • "新"英文翻译    new; fresh; novel; up-to-dat ...
  • "世"英文翻译    lifetime; life
  • "界"英文翻译    boundary
  • "一"英文翻译    one
  • "巴"英文翻译    hope earnestly; wait anxious ...
  • "士"英文翻译    bachelor a social stratum in ...
  • "九 龙 巴 士 (一 九 三 三) 有 限 公 司" 英文翻译 :    the kowloon moter bus holdings limited
  • "世 界 高 潮 日" 英文翻译 :    world orgasm day
  • "界" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(相交的地方; 划分的界限) boundary 国界 the boundary of a country; national boundary; 山西和陕西以黄河为界。 the boundary between shanxi and shaanxi is the huanghe river.2.(一定的范围) scope; extent 外界 external world; 眼界 field of vision3.(按职业、工作或性别等分成的范围) circles; world 各界人士 all sections of the people; people of all walks of life; 文艺界 world [circles] of literature and art; 新闻界 press circles4.(大自然中动物、植物、矿物等的最大的类别) primary division; kingdom 动[植, 矿] 物界 the animal [vegetable, mineral] kingdom5.[地质学] (地层系统分类的最高一级, 相当于地质年代中的代) group 古生界 the paleozoic group6.[数学] bound 上[下] 界 upper [lower] bound
  • "士" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(古代指未婚的男子) bachelor (in ancient china)2.(古代介于大夫和庶民之间的阶层) a social stratum in ancient china, between senior officials and the common people3.(读书人) scholar4.(军人的一级) noncommissioned officer 上士 (英) staff sergeant; (美) sergeant first class; 下士 corporal; 中士 sergeant5.(军人) soldier 兵士 ordinary soldier6.(某种技术人员) a person trained in a certain field 护士 nurse; 助产士 midwife7.(对人的美称) (commendable) person 烈士 martyr; 勇士 brave fighter; warrior8.(棋子) bodyguard, one of the pieces in chinese chess9.(姓氏) a surname 士燮 shi xie
  • "世" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(人的一辈子) lifetime; life 聪明一世, 糊涂一时 clever all one's life but stupid this once; smart as a rule, but this time a fool; 今生今世 this present life; 一生一世 one's whole life; all one's life2.(一代又一代) generation 世谊 friendship spanning many generations; 四世同堂。 four generations live under one roof.3.(时代) age; era 当今之世 at present; nowadays; 近世 modern times; 盛世 flourishing age; heyday4.(世界) world 公诸于世 make known to the world; 举世闻名 well known all over the world; world-famous5.[地质学] (地质年代的分期) epoch 古新世 the palaeocene epoch6.(姓氏) a surname 世硕 shi shuo
  • "世 ()" 英文翻译 :    at the threshold of an era
  • "英 国 一 般 男 士 的 标 准 尺 码 表" 英文翻译 :    british standard size chart for regular men
  • "巴" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(急切盼望) hope earnestly; wait anxiously for 朝巴夜望 strain one's eyes in waiting day and night; look forward to night and day2.(粘住; 紧贴) cling to; stick to 巴了锅 crust sticks to pot; 爬山虎巴在墙上。 the ivy clings to the wall.3.(爬) climb physically and socially 巴高望上 have ambition to rise in society4.[方言] (挨着) be close to; be next to 前不巴村, 后不巴店 a desolate place, not close to anything; with no village ahead and no inn behind -- stranded in an uninhabited area5.[方言] (张开) open; split; crack; break up 巴着眼瞧 look with wide open eyes; 桌子巴缝了。 the table cracked.Ⅱ名词1.[书面语] (巴蛇, 古代传说中的大蛇) python2.(干燥粘结物) crust; crust like formation 锅巴 rice crust sticking to pot; 疮巴 scar on wound; 泥巴 cake of mud3.(部分生物器官) part of compounds denoting tip, end, tail 下巴 chin; 嘴巴 mouth; 尾巴 tail4.(周朝国名) ba, a state in the zhou dynasty5.(指四川东部) ancient name of east sichuan6.(姓氏) a surname 巴金 ba jin7.[物理学] (压强单位) bar 毫巴 millibar; 微巴 microbar
  • "新" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(刚出现的或刚经验到的) new; fresh; novel; up-to-date 最新 (式)的 up to the minute; 新风尚 new custom [practice]; 新朋友 a new friend; a recent acquaintance; 新技术 new [up-to-date] technique; 新社会 the new society; 最新消息 the latest news2.(没有用过的) unused; new 新衣服 new clothes; 拿出一根新绳子 take out an unused rope; 当一件东西被用过后, 就不再是新的了。 when a thing has been used, it is no longer new. 这架照相机是新的还是旧的 ? is this camera new or secondhand?3.(结婚不久的) recently married 新人 newlywedⅡ副词(新近; 刚) newly; freshly; recently 新建的工厂 a newly built factory; 新上油漆的门 a freshly-painted door; 他是新来的。 he's a new arrival.Ⅲ动词(使变成新的) make new; renew 改过自新 reform oneself; correct one's errors and make a fresh start; 悔过自新 repent and start anew; 面目一新 take on an entirely new look; 一新耳目 present a new appearanceⅣ名词1.(新的人或事物) new 推陈出新 weed through the old to bring forth the new; 喜新厌旧 love the new and loathe the old; be fickle in affection2.(新疆) short for the xinjiang uygur autonomous region3.(姓氏) a surname 新明 xin mingⅤ[前缀] ne-; neo- 新达尔文主义 neo-darwinism
  • "一" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ数词1.(最小的正整数) one 一百公斤 one hundred kilogram; 一本书 a book; 一营一连 the first company of the first battalion; 一万一 eleven thousand; 我见过她一次。 i have met her once. 在大连大学时他比我高一班。 he was in a class ahead of me at dalian university.2.(同一) same 一根藤上的苦瓜 bitter gourds from the same vine; people with a similar bitter past; 一码事 the same thing; 意见不一。 opinions differ. 咱们是一家人。 we are of the same family.3.(另一) also; otherwise 汞溴红一名红汞。 merbromin is also known as mercurochrome.4.(全; 满) whole; all; throughout 一冬 the whole winter; all winter; throughout the winter; 一脸的土 one's face covered with dust; 一天星斗 a star-studded sky; 他们游泳游了一下午。 they swam all afternoon. 一屋子的人都欢腾起来。 everybody in the room was overjoyed.5.(专一) concentrated; wholehearted 一心一意 heart and soul; wholeheartedly6.(单一; 唯一) single; alone; only one 一枪就打中了目标 hit the target with a single shot; 你一个人行吗? can you manage all by yourself? 她一个人去了。 she went alone.7.(表示动作是一次或短暂的) 等一等 wait a bit; 咳一声 give a cough; 瞧一眼 take a look; 笑一笑 give a smile; 歇一歇 have a rest8.(每一) each; per; every time 四个小组, 一组五人 four groups with five people in each; 一日三餐 tree meals a day; 一小时九十公里 at 70 kilometres per hour; 一桌十人 ten persons a table; 大家一提起那艰苦创业的日子, 总有说不完的话。 every time we talk about the hard pioneering days, we have so much to say that we can't get it all out.9.(用在动词或动量词前面, 表示先做某个动作, 下文说明动作结果) 一跳跳了过去 get over in one jump; 经他这么一说, 大家又都有信心了。 this explanation of his restored our confidence. 他一脚把球踢进了球门。 he kicked the ball into the goal.; he kicked a goal.Ⅱ副词(一旦; 一经) once; as soon as 一见不忘。 once seen, never forgotten. 你一看就会清楚的。 you will be clear about it as soon as you look at it. 天一亮他们就下地干活去了。 at dawn they started off to work in the fields. 一做好准备, 就破土动工。 construction will begin as soon as preparations are completed.Ⅲ助词[书面语] (用在某些词前加强语气) 一似瓮中捉鳖 be as easy as catching a turtle in a jar; 事态之严重一至于此! to think that things should have come to such a pass!Ⅳ名词[音乐] (中国民族音乐音阶上的一级) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to w17 in numbered musical notation 【注意】 “一” 字单用或在一词一句末尾念第一声(阴平)。 在第四声(去声)字前念第二声(阳平), 如“一半”; “一共” 。 在第一、 二、 三声 (阴平、 阳平、 上声) 字前念第四声(去声), 如“一天”; “一年”; “一点” 。 本辞典为简便起见, 条目中起首的“一”字, 都注第一声(阴平)。
  • "边框(界)" 英文翻译 :    border
  • "界 (生物)" 英文翻译 :    kingdom (biology)
  • "界,阶层" 英文翻译 :    circle
  • "29世" 英文翻译 :    29th century
  • "士(voltron)" 英文翻译 :    voltron
  • "士gundam" 英文翻译 :    mobile suit gundam
  • "巴 (里省)" 英文翻译 :    badung
  • "巴 (治州)" 英文翻译 :    barrow county, georgia
  • "巴,条杆" 英文翻译 :    bar
新 世 界 第 一 巴 士的英文翻译,新 世 界 第 一 巴 士英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译新 世 界 第 一 巴 士,新 世 界 第 一 巴 士的英文意思,新 世 界 第 一 巴 士的英文新 世 界 第 一 巴 士 meaning in English新 世 界 第 一 巴 士的英文新 世 界 第 一 巴 士怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。